My Blog

Out With the Old, In With the New!

Most of you know that Streamate is going downhill and it is time to find a replacement, which should be easy, but it really has not been. I’ve tried 8+ sites and none of them have kept my attention for longer than a few days here and there. The promises from SM have come and gone, their denial has grown and the ignorance they spew, as a whole, is disgustingly insulting. It is time. Many have asked me to continue my search and you guys have really encouraged me to give Chaturbate a good, honest shot. It’s a different platform, which can be overwhelming and annoying, all at the same time. Most viewers enjoy the free show that the rest of you have given generously for, but the energy level gives me hope that this will one day be a full replacement of Streamte, who will probably one day soon be out of business. The games are fun, the teasing is enticing and the good, positive energy is uplifting. It is a much needed change from the stale atmosphere that SM has so willingly provided us for months now.

I understand that to continue to do the same thing, expecting a different result, is the definition of insanity, but let me explain. Streamate has been a constant source of stability for most of us cam ladies for 6 years now. Sure they have had glitches over the years and the people they employ are out of touch with reality, but they have been steady for the most part until a year ago. I stretch it to 1 year because it has been glitchy for at least 12 months, but it wasn’t noticeable to the viewers until the beginning of June.

I have publicly spewed my hate for them for many reasons. One, of which, is the many emails sent back and forth with them wasting my time as though they have no issues. Another is when they finally admitted to the many problems they never addressed them but made empty promises, never to be fulfilled.

If my fella’s were not so supportive and encouraging, I would not feel that it is appropriate to publicly post the behind the scenes bullshit. In fact, I am of the opinion some ladies have taken it too far and do nothing but bitch about it while on cam. That is counterproductive because 100% negativity will never equal a positive outcome. Granted, I have had my outbursts, but kept it light hearted and determined to not let it over shadow our time together.

One last comment on this subject and then I will be done, for now. Four months ago I spoke to the owner on the phone and he told me they were developing an encoder, specifically designed for Streamate. He said it would be ready for Beta testing within a week. I figured that was being a little too optimistic and thought it would be four weeks. No, it happened to be four months. That would be July, August, September and then October, before it would be in beta testing. I received an email “inviting” me to beta test, as though they are doing me a favor. However, it is only written for Window’s and I use a Mac. Apparently, it will allow ladies to use old equipment, instead of replacing computers every year and updating webcams every 2 years. After two days of issues I decided that it might be in my best interest to beta test for them, so I switched to my old Window’s. I had to update the programs and flash player, and the new encoder would not work with my 2 year old computer. Back to my Mac for a couple days and then I remembered that I still have another Window’s computer that worked with SM just 1 month ago. Another day wasted. The new encoder was so glitchy that I spent most of the day telling the guys what was going on…. SM asked me to test it for at least two weeks, but what is the point, really? They are not giving compensation or tech support for their piece of shit software so why should I give them any  more of my time than I already have. Plus, I am pretty sure that my pink lamp is the ultimate downfall of Streamate. And, on that note, I hope their one server that they continue to use blows up. Done!

Please sign up under my affiliate link, if you don’t already have an account. Out with the old, in with the new! Chaturbate!

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