My Blog

My Wish:

It is no secret that my favorite day of the year is Thanksgiving, and I am sure some of you might even be tired of hearing me preach. However, that is not going to stop me. It is the one day out of the year that people slow down to enjoy friends and family, and to reconnect. This is also the one day that I feel no one should spend alone. If you know of someone who has no plans and will be alone, please set a place for him/her and insist they join you. If you are planning on staying home alone, you have plenty of time to change that. You can reach out to friends, co-workers and even community centers. When I was a teenager my dad and I helped serve food at a local center and I can tell you they would love to see you. There are elderly people whose children couldn’t make it home, families with kids who don’t have the ability to provide a Thanksgiving meal and couples who don’t want to go through the trouble just for two. There will be a variety of people who you will meet at a local center that is serving a meal. Who knows, you might meet someone you never would have, if you were to stay home.

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