My Blog

Thank You, WLTNBN!

Oh my goodness, I am so thoughtless at times. WLTNBN sent me a couple Halloween Costumes along with stockings last month, and I left him off of the “Thank You” post.

I am terrible about taking pictures when wearing the outfits on cam, or out to dinner, but thankfully Cliff grabbed a screen capture! Thank you!


The skirt he sent is for a steam punk outfit that I thought I could pull off, but it was half rockish and have stupid. lol. There are no pictures of that, but I do plan to wear it out for drinks because it is fun and sexy!

WL is great at picking out dresses for me and this one is so cute and sexy I cannot wait to wear it out! The heels will be fun to wear, too, but I worry I’ll have to wait for spring now, or else my toes will freeze and fall off. That happens, you know?



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