My Blog

This Holiday Season . . .

8ad3a3649f91de72a90fd5ad8296539dI have never been a fan of the holiday’s, even as a kid. For Mom’s sake, I always tried and for my twin brother I lied, just to save the peace. I don’t know why, but the holiday’s are a drag for me, although, I have really made an effort in recent years, to enjoy the hubbub that comes along with the chaos of it all. However, we did not put up a tree this year. lol. That is not all on me, I just want you to know that. We simply do not have the room for such an amazing spectacle that brings a lot of unnecessary work. haha. There is the grinch in me.

While some of you are probably looking forward to January, much like me, the rest of you are enjoying this time that holds a lot of memories and love. No matter which side you are on, I wish you all happiness and good health. I have a lot to be thankful for in that you guys have given me a home, one I never knew I would find. For that, I am eternally grateful for.

Happy Holiday’s, Fella’s and Friends.

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