My Blog

You Are Going to Love This!

iPadMini-Press-02-970-80It has been a very busy and unusually chaotic holiday week for us, which is a bit disappointing. However, we are at the end of it and I am looking forward to January 2nd. Today, the day after Christmas, we had to drive into Austin to pick up our vehicle that was in the shop for more warranty work. Devil was planning on stopping at the grocery store on the way home, but instead found his way to the Apple Store.

By the time he made it home I had the house clean and ready for tonights company. He walks in, with two iPad Minis and no groceries. He said, “You are going to love what I have for you!” and I asked if it was “better than food,” in which case he paused and said, “okay, probably not for you, but you are going to love it!”

The iPad Mini allows you to do everything your phone does, and you can read a book on it! I reminded him that I cannot read books on a reader and he said, “but you can do everything on this that you do on your phone, like FB, Twitter …” I perked up and said, “does it make phone calls?” … “let me rephrase that. You can do everything you do on your apple computer, not your phone.”

Apparently, I am going to love it!

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