My Blog

Silk Panties, a Blanket and a Foot Sander

516O9k-9CdL._SL500_SL135_There is nothing like silk or satin panties. They are smooth and silky, and they hug all the right places. Thank you, MtnMan, for more silk panties; I hope that you will enjoy them as much as I do.

I am also enjoying the foot sander that you sent. It is electric, which is, by far, better 41ZLJehTlLLthan battery operated ones. It is so easy to keep my feet soft now and it means a lot that you would send it, when you are not even a foot guy! I usually have soft feet, but it has never been so easy to maintain them! Thank you!

And, another surprise arrived yesterday! I was helping Devil with the shower build when FedEx dropped off a package. You are so incredibly good to me! A new liberator blanket off of my wishlist; I have needed a new one for quite some time now.

MtnMan, your generosity is endless. Thank you! *muah*

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