My Blog

So Much To Tell

This is always a busy month for me, with the annual birthday party, the guests, and, of course, Devil’s last minute projects. I spend a lot of time maintaining our place, trying to keep it in order, but when Devil is working on a project, there is no way that is possible. It is not out of the norm to still be cleaning up when company starts to arrive. Needless to say, that was the case when Rob and Dawn arrived, but they are such gracious guests that they were unfazed by the chaos. Once they were settled in the drinking began and my need for being productive ended. lol. The first night Rob and I stayed up drinking until close to 4a and I still woke up the next morning around 7 and managed to do just enough to keep moving, but not exactly what I would call productive.

Several people came out each day to help with the set up and we could not have pulled the party off this year without them.


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