My Blog

Becoming a Parallel Parking Professional!

Dad taught me to drive when I was ten or eleven, and it was a stick shift. The first lesson was to know how to drive in reverse and once I got comfortable with that, we started the driving lesson; I even learned how to drive trailers, but we never covered parallel parking. There really was no need because where are you going to parallel park when you have acres of dirt roads. At any rate, it was the only section of the drivers test that I failed. By the time I finished getting it parallel to the curb, I was about 2 feet from it. lol. The instructor asked me if I was happy with it and I said that I was; a red x was given and we moved on.

When we are in Austin, I will drive 3 blocks to not parallel park and I will even pay $20 to park in an over priced lot. I do not parallel park. However, in Galveston, that is about all there is and I mastered it! I never once hit the curb or another car. Only one time did I have to get back in the car to move it out of the drive lane.

I had to go to Galveston to become a parallel parking professional!



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