My Blog

A Stormy Cleansing

thI love rain storms, no matter the severity of them. Sure, some are tragic and some are disappointing, but mother nature is a beautiful creature. This past week we had several inches of rain, which was greatly needed. We were in the onset of a drought and the rains revitalized the trees, ground and gave a good boost to the wildflowers. I loved walking outside this morning, with the deck covered in wet leaves and water dripping from plants and tree limbs. It cleans off the old, dusty days of the past and gets us ready for the future. It is breathtaking to smell the clean air while listening to the birds chirp and the squirrels throw acorns while they talk from tree to tree.

There is a cool breeze in the air and, although, it is too wet to do anything outside, I am going to enjoy it before the Texas heat arrives.

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