My Blog

Lazy, Yet Productive

My Saturday had a much earlier start than I would have liked, but by noon I had cleaned up the studio, moved some planters out of the greenhouse and started laundry. Instead of cleaning the house, I found the couch for an hour, enjoying coffee and the solitude of my own thoughts. It was nice. In order to not feel guilty, I decided to go check the vegetable garden since I had planned on getting it ready for seeds. Thankfully, we had too much rain to make that possible; back to the couch I went. After another hour of solitude, I decided to move one more plant out of the greenhouse and then I folded towels, after they sat for a couple hours. lol.

I made breakfast, which is becoming a regular occurrence, and it really must stop soon. After that, I spent the rest of my time on the couch reading until I finally turned the TV on at 8p to watch mindless shows.

Saturday was a much needed day of laziness, mixed in with productivity.


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