My Blog



I have been very fortunate to be able to travel for business and pleasure. I used to travel for work, but Devil would join me on the weekends when he could, and we’d rent a car and drive. After that job, I had a flexible sales job and I could work the phone while we traveled, never really missed a day of work. Once I got out of the nine-to-five world, I jumped into the online amateur industry, having no boss to answer to and the flexibility to travel even more. Although I don’t consider this to be “work”, nor have I ever referred to it as a job, it has cut down on days off and actual vacations. Don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining and I even correct people online when they ask me when I will be working. It may be what I do to make a living, but this is, by far, the happiest I have ever been. I am dedicated in anything I do, but working for corporations was always disappointing. They required more time than what they were paying and any time I asked for a week off or called in sick, they gave me an attitude. It made it hard for me to want to make them richer.

We leave for Mexico on Saturday, April 30th, and it is the first actual vacation we have taken in some time. I do plan to take a lot of content in pictures and videos, but that will have to be in between the beach chairs, tequila shots and swimming with manatees. Yes, that is right! Devil found an excursion company who offers a swim with dolphins, manatees and sea turtles. I am so excited and hope I don’t drown. lol. Don’t worry, I will give them all a hug, while I wear arm floats and 3 life jackets.

I will have a web cam, but I cannot promise that I will plug it in. It all depends on the craziness around me and if the internet is strong enough in our room. If I do turn the cam on, it will most likely be in the afternoons and only for an hour, here and there… Like I said, I cannot say for certain that will happen.

I’ll have my phone and will still be in touch on Twitter, Snapchat, kik and through emails.

We are going to the tip of the peninsula and it is supposed to be amazingly beautiful. Bo and JoAnn are going with us, along with another couple. It will be a great 8 day celebration.

One Comment

  • iceman777

    One very well deserved vacation Angel and Devil. Have a great time, stay safe and I’ll be looking forward to your blog updates and photos. I’ll be missing you guys for sure. Luv Ya!

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