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Tyson Found a Surprise

The other day I heard Tyson barking, but it wasn’t his normal alert that someone, or an unwanted animal, has breached the premises. It was kind of a curious, yet playful bark; the same sound he makes when the squirrels are teasing him. I look out the window and he is popping his head up and down, ears flying and he is happy excited. Dora is just a spectator. I walked outside and I could see something smacking him in the face and he was just happy to be playing, which reassured me it was not a snake. Once I got into the pen I could tell that it was one of Perdita’s babies, who was a fluffy mess covered in hay and not all too happy with her current situation. I grabbed Tyson by the collar and the kitten ran for cover, but didn’t leave the pen, she hid behind Dora’s bathtub. Well, that didn’t help any at all. I walked to the outside of the pen and she was wedged between the fence and the tub, frozen in fear. At this point both Dora and Tyson were on the hunt for whatever that was, so I thought if I fed them, maybe at least Dora would be distracted enough for me to get the kitten. They have a self-feeder with a trap door and a water proof lid. I lifted the lid only to find a furry face looking up at me, trying to jump out of the box… well fuck. Back to the original catch, I just reached my hand in the fence and yanked her out before Tyson could get back in the tub, which was full of water.

She was scared, but not a scratch on her. I put her into a cage and turned around to deal with the second one that was in the feeder only to see Tyson playing with that one! I got back in the pen and just reached down and snatched her up and as I’m walking to the cage she tried very hard to look mean and intimidating. I kissed her on the forehead and put her in with the other one.

I turned around, thinking that was that, only to find Tyson with the third one in his mouth! This time he was not going to let me have his new toy, so he was prancing around with a ball of fur, happy as can be. I grabbed him by the neck and he opened his mouth so I reached in and grabbed the last kitten. lol. She was wet, pissed the fuck off, but not hurt. On the way to the cage she fucking bit me though. I am going to go ahead and say that bite was meant for Tyson. I did not kiss her on the forehead. All three of them were picked up by the dog catcher a couple hours later.

Tyson pouted for the rest of the day, but he was soon over it when I was watering the garden and loving on him.

I am guessing they were looking for food during the night and got into the pen while the dogs were sleeping. When Tyson woke up, he stuck his head into the feeder to eat and found three amazing surprises that were “left” for him!


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