My Blog

My Tequila Bud

1800-blanco_4497_r2Rob is my absolute favorite tequila buddy and we sometimes drink way too much; definitely more than we should and much to DM’s chagrin. She is a good sport and an amazing lady, but you already know that. Last week we were both on our best behavior, by request and I am proud to say we succeeded in not going over board. However, he left two days before national tequila day and that would have been a day to go all in, but I was not about to do that without him. Although, that isn’t really the truth because I had my share of tequila the night before.

Basically, I am blabbering about this because I need to get back into my routine and I have certainly let my blog fall to the wayside and I feel that is not fair to those of you that read it. You guys have always motivated me to stay consistent because you have supported me in more ways than one. It means a lot to me that you notice when my blog is ignored, my tweets are off kilter or I am not my normal self while on cam. So, thank you one and all.

Okay, back to the tequila post. In honor of tequila and Rob, my tequila bud, I took a shot before I started typing. That might be obvious. I don’t know. Anyway. *cheers*

Thank you for reading and please know that I will get back to my usual routine soon enough. In fact, I am well on my way as we speak.


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