My Blog

I Have Something to Say!

The internet age has taken away a lot of innocence, fueled anger and definitely stolen the back bone of some. It is a terrible day when someone gets their feelings hurt over something so trivial and instead of owning it, they can report a social media account and have it suspended, indefinitely. Granted, I do not know for fact that JustKandall of Twitter, also known as Kandall on VNA, is the root cause of the suspension, but I find it curious that three days after I responded with a “FUCK YOU”, my account is suspended without warning or reason.

Kandall, you are a pansy waist with no back bone and very thin skin. You are a Sybil who changed colors every few minutes. I gave you more time than I give those who actually join my site. That is on me, not you. For almost a year I allowed you to change personalities and I would ignore it until the next time. Do you know why? Because I feel sorry for you and I did not want to be the person who sent you running into traffic. A few months ago you “fired” me because you needed to find yourself. I didn’t stop you, hell I fucking encouraged it! Go. Leave. Don’t come back. If only I could be so fortunate. The very next week you were back, but when I wouldn’t answer your message under your kik ID, you created two more. Yeah. That is a sign that it might be YOU. After you pestered me for a week, I gave in. Again, that is on me, not you. It did not take long for you to have another melt down. SHOCKER. After a few weeks you were back as though nothing happened and you wanted more of my time, giving nothing in return. My response on kik was – FUCK YOU. …. Fast forward three days and you sent me this tweet:


It was only three days after you contacted me on kik and you are telling me you have been trying to reach me for weeks. I don’t know how else to say this except you might fucking need help.

I was suspended for 8 hours and they removed all of my offensive pictures. i.e. Boobs. Good job, buddy.


  • dwwindsor

    You state that, “The internet age has taken away a lot of innocence, fueled
    anger and definitely stolen the back bone of some.”

    I do not think so. What it has done is taken it out of intimate places and plastered it
    for so many to see. If 1000 crybabies whine in 1000 places it does not seem so prevalent. When 1000 do it all in one place it seems like a modern scourge.

    You may have a point about the primacy of feelings and how they have become so tender. But even here I think social media exaggerates what has always been. If you stand on a street corner in a small town and say something that a passerby disagrees with, the natural tendency is to write that individual off as an idiot. Say something on social media and get 100s of responses disagreeing with you it is no longer a case of writing off an individual but reacting, at a visceral level, to a torrent.

    Human nature is remarkably static. Yet moderns, of any era, have a tendency to see a degradation of standards among the generation following them. Or to assume that they bear the greatest burden of any generation in history. The individual in question may have committed a reprehensible act but it was not social media, per se, that caused it, but the ability of so many to see such an act in near simultaneous time. Social media magnifies but does not fundamentally alter.

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