My Blog

Happy Days

This weekend was everything I had hoped it would be and more. Saturday I woke up, did a whole lot of nothing until Devil was ready to pour concrete for a retaining wall. It was hot and humid, but it was bearable. I mixed one bag of concrete when the Asian ladies husband and buddy walked up, with beer in hand, and as we visited, they took over the mixing, which saved me from lifting 80 lbs of dry mix. With their help, the four of us shoveled the mix into the frame that Devil built, and was finished within an hour. I have never been so happy to see them venture over for a visit as I was Saturday. LOL. After that, we cleaned up the tools and I made my way back to the couch and caught up on the rest of my emails, responded to some messages on clip sites and cleaned up my computer files. I also received a package with my sock order that I placed on Wednesday. WOOT! Now, that is enough to make it a happy day!

After that the evening was mine to do as I wanted and I chose to spend it relaxing and finding my zen, if you will. It was exactly what I needed and wanted for my weekend.

How was your weekend?

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