My Blog

My Weekend in San Antonio

We drove to San Antonio Friday afternoon, beating most of the traffic until we were close to downtown. It was not too bad, and it was before the rain moved into the area. It was a beautiful day to take a drive because I could see the blue skies changing into an ominous grey as we drove into downtown.

That evening we met friends for drinks in the hotel bar and then they joined us for dinner at a local Italian restaurant. This place was authentic and not on the riverwalk, which made me happy because I am not a big fan of that tourist trap. The river is gross, the businesses dirty and gimmicky and certainly not original. If you want to enjoy the city and take in the culture, venture off of the riverwalk. A few blocks away is the Mexican Market, which is never disappointing and two blocks away is Guillermo’s Italian, which has been there for generations.

Saturday I slept in, walked down to the lobby for breakfast and then made my way back to the room and climbed into bed for a couple hours before I turned the laptop on and blogged. I showered just in time to make it to a cocktail dinner and then to a ridiculous party, staying only a brief time. Once back in the room I did a picture set, along with a 10 minute video and that was the extent of my day. We watched a movie on Netflix and then went to sleep.

Sunday I woke up at 730, in time to join Devil for breakfast and then he went to work for a short while and I made my way back to the room, and back into bed. We moved rooms (long story) and once settled into our new place I shot two sets of pictures and stumbled through a couple flash videos with exemplary stuttering. Another storm rolled into the downtown area and it was an awesome sight to watch.

I have thoroughly enjoyed being lazy and having no place to be, or having a to-do-list to complete.

My to-do-list for this weekend:

1.) Do nothing

2.) Blog

3.) Do nothing

4.) Maybe shoot content

5.) Do nothing

6.) Be okay with doing nothing

I would say I was very successful in completing my to-do-list.



  • iceman777

    I’d love to spend some time “doing nothing” with you guys however, unfortunately I’ve got a ton of chores and projects to complete before winter sets in. Luv Y’all!!!

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