My Blog

Happy First day of October!

As I mentioned in the earlier post, I love Autumn and hope that it sticks around for a few weeks, but I am going to enjoy it while I can. October marks one entire month away from August and I am certain the chance of triple digits are behind us until next spring/summer, and that is reason to be happy! In fact, I am doing the happy dance right now!


On this first day of October, I am going to open the windows, turn the AC off and clean the house from top to bottom, purging along the way. I am getting rid of books, keepsakes, and maybe even a basket of socks. If I have the energy, I am going to go through the kitchen cabinets and toss anything that is not used. Although, that is a lot to do in just one day, so I probably will have to leave the kitchen to another day.

Oh, who am I kidding? I am not getting rid of socks. In fact, I would be more likely to get rid of old pictures and cards before I did anything that hasty!

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