My Blog

More Happy Thoughts


I love the smell of horses and the sound of roosters crowing while enjoying a nice breeze on a fall day. I enjoy finding waterfalls at the most unexpected places and the sound of water hitting rocks that have been molded into different shapes over the years from erosion and nature.

A happy hour with good friends, on the deck, while we watch butterflies and hummingbirds suckle on bushes and vines. The smell of perfume and the sound of a crackling fire while roasting marshmallows and laughing well into the early morning.

Happiness is stargazing in a sleeping bag and waking up to a beautiful day, while enjoying coffee brewed over an open fire.



    • lonestarangel

      I love rainbows and they give me very happy memories of my mom. When I was young, she used to tell me fantastic stories of the leprechaun chasing happiness down the rainbow to his pot of gold. The thought just fascinated me and could keep my mind in the clouds for hours.

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