My Blog

An Ode to Outlaw


I had no intentions of missing your birthday, but as we were driving through west Texas I realized I had done just that. Without cell reception I could not even tweet, much less send out word to the fella’s and ladies that it was your special day: the anniversary of your birth.

I do believe that you were one of my first member’s, meaning you and I have known each other for over then years now. We have lived a decade together and that is something special all in itself, if you ask me. You have followed me from one website to another and stuck with me while I change cam sites and try new things. You have never complained or asked for any more than what I give, and you are always thankful for my time, even when I am flaky. You have been patient with me when I have lost jobs and experimented with making my online world full time and you have also taken some (minor) abuse when I am frustrated or in a mood. Not often, mind you, but your loyalty has never wavered. 

I have watched you go from a home body to our social butterfly with a full weekend calendar. I love your singles mixer events and cigar socials and I always want to hear the details, although, I am certain you hold back sometimes; which is frowned upon, but that is also your right, I suppose. 

I hope that you had an amazing birthday and here is wishing you an amazing year! 




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