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The Story of Pea and Pod

The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, in Nairobi, Kenya, flew to a village to rescue a baby elephant from a well. He was injured and near collapse when they got to him and as they were loading him on the plane for transport, two ostrich chicks were handed over as well. They flew back to the sanctuary cuddled up against the baby ele. As they grew they become inseparable of not only each other, but of the elephants. They would leave the barn in the early morning with the herd and return for the evening, only when their mammal companions turned in for the night. Eventually they rescue built a separate barn for Pea and Pod, the two orphaned ostriches, right next to the elephant barn. 

Pea and Pod would mimic the elephant mannerisms and even playfully charge each other for play fighting. As they became adults they would snuggle with the babies and even raise their feathers to guide them in the direction of the rest of the herd. They were, in all essence, part of the elephant family. Not only did the ostriches love their extended family, but the elephants accepted them into their herd without question. It is amazing that Pea and Pod allow the babies to tug on their necks and rough house them and the ostriches were overly protective of them when any danger was present. 

Female ostriches are sweet and gentle, even as they become adults, but the boys are nothing of the sort. They can be mean and dangerous without warning and they tend to wander. One day while they were out on a walk with the herd and came across a flock of wild ostriches and Pod, the boy, never returned home. It is assumed that he took on natures roll of roaming and being one with his own: An Ostrich. 

Pea remained with the elephants as their own and loved by all of the orphans, the nanny’s and the humans that look after them each day. 

I joined FB awhile back and most of my friends are elephant sanctuaries and rescues. I have followed Pea and the David Sheldrick Foundation for over a year now and have come to really enjoy the pictures and latest stories on Pea and the orphaned elephants. As the eles become adults many of them move out of the sanctuary and make a family of their own. More times than not, new mothers will bring their calves back to the foundation to meet the amazing people that took care of them as babies. And, of course, to meet Pea.

Last week Pea and her elephants were out on their daily walk, within the foundation fences, when they were ambushed by lions. They scattered in a cloud of dust and chaos, all eventually returning back to the barn. The keepers went out on foot, searching for Pea and a few other orphans and they were able to find the elephants, but not Pea. They approached the lions but could not get close enough so they returned by vehicle and their worst fear was confirmed. The lions got ahold of Pea and she did not make it. As much as I love nature and I truly believe the animal kingdom should be left untouched by humans to play out as nature would have it, this story saddens me. I am heartbroken for the orphaned eles that loved her as their own. 


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