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Before You Judge . . .

This morning I was scrolling through my Twitter TL and someone, whose posts I usually agree with, was blasting his dad’s intelligence. Not just once, but close to ten tweets regarding the education of his dad. His father’s education was minimal, ending sometime in elementary school, and the son has no problem or shame in judging his dad by his level of education. He goes on to refer to him as the dumbest person he knows. Now, granted, we do not know what their relationship is, nor do we know if he was actually a dad. However, the son is definitely educated and is quiet articulate in speech and opinions. If his father was abusive, or just a rotten dad, then I assume he would have mentioned this while attacking him for his lack of smarts. Right? 

Now, give me a minute to judge his father from the outside, looking in. He has the education level of a 3rd grader (let’s assume), and he has survived in this cold, hard world that does not give two-fucks about his story. I would say that is success. Also, assuming he did not get a handout from public services. He managed to raise a very articulate son, who obviously has had higher education, which means he had a strong support system as a child, which would most likely be his idiot father. The son has been given the life the father never had, yet he is judged by his education level, which, in my opinion, goes to show what an idiot the son is. Maybe he is not as smart as he likes to believe, because one should be grateful for what both of his parents provided for him because without the past, the future does not exist. 

My dad did not finish school, yet he was a successful horse breeder and he could read a 400 page book in one afternoon. He only read non-fiction and could quote books he had not read in ten years. I am positive he had a photographic memory. I have a higher education than he was given and I do not even come close to his smarts. So, before you judge people, how about you appreciate them for who they are, not where they came from. 


  • cowboybubba

    I have known many, who never finished school, that are better educated than some people with doctorates degrees. They have taught themselves how to survive and succeed in this world. Some with college degrees are useless in society because they only know how to be a student. They can not survive in the real world.

  • hmfast

    I’ve known college graduates that still ended up as complete fucking morons with little to no common sense. and as you said in your post success in life isn’t measured in education level.

    Growing up, my family spent a lot of time around the poverty line. we were never homeless and always had food, but sometimes we had to rely on help from friends and family and didn’t always have a lot of luxury. Sometimes this meant my mom had to work two jobs to make ends meet or we’d have to move when our situation became untenable. my mom did this on a high school education and i personally judge her a success as a mother.

    As for my part, I return the favor by keeping a roof over my families head and can even afford luxuries like cable and internet that i never had until after high school. Personally I never finished college for reasons other then lack of intelligence, and if someone wants to claim I’m an idiot for that reason for that reason, I’ll gladly tell them to fuck off.

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