My Blog

Found Treasure

Yesterday I started to gather documents for taxes. Ack! I am a month early, but it will be nice to get through the stress that Uncle Sam so willingly offers. LOL. Okay, I realize that it doesn’t have to be so stressful, but filing as “self-employed” adds a lot more brackets to fill out and I was not at all organized in 2016. So, yesterday I started the process of getting coordinated.

I keep all our previous years in boxes, which go into storage, and while I was grabbing a binder, tabs and highlighters, I peeked into another box out of curiosity. It is a box I have not looked through in about 12 years and it had a lot of good memories in it. I found pictures of my parents when they were kids, during their teenage years and as they were young adults in love. I found pictures of them holding my oldest brother as an infant, their grandparents and great-grandparents taking a 5-generation picture. There were pictures of both of my older brothers growing up and then some of me and my twin, with one of my older brothers holding us, smiling ear-to-ear. My favorite find was one taken at a family reunion. It was during the summer of 1985 and we were visiting family in Ohio. The picture was of my parents, me and my twin, along with my maternal g’ma. Everyone was smiling and happy that day.

I do not often go through boxes of memories, but yesterday that was a happy treasure found.  


  • Doug

    That’s awesome Angel. I hope you have them scanned then saved so they don;t deteriorate. I too have a bunch of old family pics that I intend to do the same with. Cheers!

  • hmfast

    that’s a nice find. last similar experience I had was when visiting my grandma in florida and seeing that she had picture’s of all her grand kids and children all over the house. When I pointed out an old picture of myself to my nephew he thought it was a picture of himself and it struck me then that I looked just just like him at that age blonde hair and all (lost the blonde at a young age though).

  • cowboybubba

    I’m so jealous, Hun. All of our old family photos were lost in the flood of 2001. Mom had her photos and family papers in her cedar chest. The water destroyed everything in it. I have reached out to my Uncle to see about getting copies of anything he has. He is also in the process of writing a family history for us. I sent him a copy of the family tree I made on It goes back to the 1500’s in Germany.

    • hmfast

      sorry to hear that. hopefully your uncle has something for you. My family moved around so much as a kid, that I’m not sure how much we’ve lost over the years, though we were never very big on family photos.

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