My Blog

Era of the Cell Phone

I realize we are a society that is always attached to the latest technology craze, but I think it has gotten out of hand. Everyone has a cell phone, even kids who are in elementary school. And, “Doug” before you say that you don’t have a smart phone and then pretend that you are ignorant and that you don’t even know what a cell phone is, we are all on to you. lol. 

I was at a restaurant earlier just to pick up an oder and every child in the place was on their phone, while the parents sat in silence. Why are kids allowed to be so connected to their social media world, causing a true disconnect within the family? How are kids to learn how to have interpersonal relationships if they are not taught to enjoy family time without the wall of technology? 

After I picked up my dinner, I stopped by the feed store and a high school boy was at the checkout in front of me. He was on the phone during the entire transaction, causing it to take much longer than it should have. He did not acknowledge the cashier, or answer any of her questions, and we all heard his conversation because he could not wait another 5 minutes to talk to his friend. He has been taught that kind of behavior is acceptable. 

Soon we are going to be a society that does not even care about the person who sleeps next to us and in order to have a conversation it is going to have to be through the latest technology. 


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