My Blog

A Skype Rant

I do not push Skype shows as much as I should because it breeds chatty fucks that think a skype conversation is worth a penny because “it is better than nothing”.

Do not fucking contact me if you are not willing to pay for my time. I am sorry, but it is no secret this is what I do for a living. I enjoy it and I have no plans of changing it anytime soon, however, that does not mean my time is not worth the rate that I charge. If you send me a message to ask for a “foot tease” then you need to be prepared to pay a minimum of 10 minutes. I do not fucking care that you only need three of those ten, so you informing me that you only need to see my feet for 30 seconds is not going to change the fact that you pay for 10 minutes, regardless of how quick on the draw that you are. Seriously, why does this even need to be explained? And, if you respond with – how about I pay for 4 minutes instead, because I only need three, is going to get you blocked. I am not an open air flea market, nor am I in the business of negotiating. My rates are what they are. It is true, my rate is more than some but not as much as others and certainly not as high as they could be. I am middle of the road in rates because I enjoy what I do and I am not here to gouge your pocket book, but do not insult me by haggling over the rate when you fucking contacted me! Fucking asshole. 

Also, while I am on this rant regarding Skype, let me give you another gripe of mine. I fucking hate to receive a message that just says “Hi”. If you want a conversation or some attention, fucking say it. What is on your mind. What the fuck do you want? Just fucking spit it out for fucks sake. It seriously pisses me right the fuck off because there is a reason you sent me a message. I am not going to drag it out of you, and you obviously want to tell me something, so get to it. Jesus effing christ! 


  • hmfast

    sounds like they’re used to the ability top po in for a quickie on sm for very little cash or even free if they’re quick enough…btw the 30s sounds familiar. this guy wouldn’t happen to be related to a certain member known for jumping the gun so to speak?….not going to name names so lets just call him RidgeGuy for the sake of anonymity 😉

    • lonestarangel

      Oh no, this was someone that I have never talked to and just happened to find my Skype name, but was, in fact, looking for a paid session, minus the pay.

      I am not sure who you are talking about, but I do have a RidgieDidge who is an amazing fella. In fact, he is my pet Aussie 🙂

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