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Palm Trees in the Desert

I am currently staying in PHX, which is desert to anyone who is not aware of that, and there are palm trees in most yards and on every corner. I do not understand why anyone would think that a palm tree should be planted in the desert, which is drought-stricken 360 days a year. Do you know what that means? The trees are heavily watered in order to keep them thriving, despite water restrictions. Which moves me further into my gripe. Some yards have a 5′ x 5′ patch of grass, along with xeroscaping. That makes absolutely no fucking sense! Grass is not native to the desert and now it takes 3 hours of watering each day, which in turn drains into the street, running off into the wash. It is a complete waste of resources. Who was in charge of city planning when they allowed non-native plants species to be brought in? The desert that was once allergen free now has allergies and still no water.

I understand that we live in a society of free-thinkers, and I am thankful for that, but at some point I believe restrictions should be enforced. Such as, baggage check at airports. Have you traveled lately? Most airlines now charge for checked bags, which in my opinion is part of the travel expense, and now most passengers carry on all of their belongings. When I say ALL of their belongings, I mean everything except their house. I have seen some people, who are traveling alone, have 3 bags bigger than what is “allowed” as a carry-on and then it takes them 20 minutes of struggling to get off of the goddamn plane. If you cannot lift it yourself, don’t fucking carry it onto the plane. If you have more than 1 bag, don’t carry it on the plane! If it is so large that you could fit a small person inside, check the goddamn bag! Seriously, I would be embarrassed if I was that much of a twit. As I watch you struggle with your bags, just know that I am saying very harsh words about you. lol. Also, If an airline is going to charge for checked bags, they should enforce the carry on rule because a lot of people are working the system. Once 20 people are on the plane and each one has 2 suitcases, the overhead bins are full, which means everyone else now has to drop their bags at the gate, for FREE, and now they have paid less than those of us who respect the policy of paying for bags. So, either adjust the overall ticket price and stop charging for bags OR enforce the fucking baggage rule for carry on. 

Okay, so this post kind of veered off of the original topic. Back to palm trees in the desert. Who else thinks that seeing tropical plants in the desert is a ridiculous sight? Seriously, I am not on a beach, nor am I in a lush rainforest. I am just saying, palm trees in the desert is absurd for several reasons. In conclusion, if you are moving to the desert do not plant palm trees and if you are already living in the desert and you have a backyard oasis full of palms, please ignore my disdain for your decision and do not be sensitive. lol.  


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