My Blog

Blah Blah

I have been sitting here, staring at the screen, eating starbursts (don’t judge me), playing Toy Blast and surfing the net… I cannot believe I cannot think of anything to blog, but alas, I cannot. 

There is nothing new to share with you, that you do not already know and I have no rants to speak of, so we are good there . . . Huh! that kind of rhymed. 

It is still hot and the promise of cooler days is at least another month away, this is August after all. 

I will be back into a routine of sorts, although, I have been in one for awhile now. There was only a slight interruption last week, but you will be happy to read that I do not have any trips coming up . . . so, probably no interruptions. Although, in the famous words of Dwwindsor, “my site, my rules”. Actually, to be more on point he would say – “your site, your rules”. In other words, that is subject to change but my life is no longer chaotic so what little interruptions I may have will be bearable. Of course, that is just my opinion. 

And, that is all of the ramblings I have for now. G’day! 

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