My Blog

The Eclipse

I am curious as to how many of you were excited for this once-in-a-lifetime event, or who stayed inside giving it not a seconds thought. 

I don’t know if it really is a once-in-a-lifetime event, to be honest with you. It is a fantastic happenstance that it is crossing the entire US of A, but how many times has it crossed over oceans and other territories that are uninhabited? This one, is by far, the most televised and sought after eclipse, but it is because it is easily accessible. People from Canada and the south are flocking to the path of totality causing traffic jams and hotels to be sold out for hundreds of miles. It is also costing employers over 700 billion in lost productivity. All for just 2 minutes of wonderment. Don’t get me wrong, it is a pretty fascinating event, but is it worth the hassle of sitting in traffic for hours and paying an astronomical amount for a hotel room that would normally be $300 less than what the going rate is? 

I am typing this in my cam room, with my blinds open, and it appears that I might have missed it.. although, it was pretty shadowy for a few minutes… Where were you, or where do you plan to be when it arrives over your location?


  • Cliff

    I had to cancel my trip to Tennessee to view totality for several reasons (rat died in truck ventilation, stinky, water company problems at house and general exhaustion). But the good news is that total eclipse happens in Texas in 2024! Angel, you’ve got a few too many zeros in the cost, it’s $700 million, not billion. It’s still a lot of money though. I took a vacation day, so that really doesn’t cost the company anything extra. I saw McDonalds was giving employees 3 minutes off to watch the eclipse during totality, how generous.

    Those that follow me on Twitter will see some of the pix I took of the partial eclipse here. 1st time shooting thru telescope & 1st time w/new camera, but I’m pretty happy with the results.

    Any point on Earth only sees a total eclipse once every 375 years on average. An eclipse happens every 18 months somewhere on the planet, but it’s a big place. Even the partial eclipse was worth viewing, even if you just look with the special glasses and don’t go crazy like I did. (I took 107 pictures.)

    Now that I’ve had the cam on the telescope, I want to try some night sky photos. I’ll need plenty of mosquito repellant tho.

    • lonestarangel

      LOL yeah, so I added a few extra zeros at the end, but nonetheless, that is a lot of money! I don’t consider you to have added to that loss in productivity, by the way.

      I am so sorry that you had to cancel your trip; that makes me very sad! You were so excited and it was perfectly planned, although, if you were exhausted, it might do you some good to have a week off and stay at home.

      The picture that you showed last night was beautiful and I am glad that you still set up your camera to get the shot.

      I have heard that it is in Argentina in 2019 and Texas in 2024 – should be a sight to see, especially if it is in the Big Bend area. That would be epic!

      You know, here is an idea, if you start planning now, you could have mini-cabins built on your property just to rent to those flocking to Texas in 2024 – imagine, 10 rooms, with basic amenities, such as a shower, could net you some money. Just saying.

  • Mollie

    Angel In 2024 there is on coming across the Lone Star State. If you would like a place to stay for free and watch it . I know a cutie tran. lady and wife who would love to get you in bed or ummm let you use a room. and back yard to watch it, just let me know.

    • lonestarangel

      LOL you make me laugh! You are a cute lady, Amber, and I have a deep adoration for Kayla. I am a planner, but 2024 is 7 years away!

  • Doug

    I did watch it a little bit, but here in northern Vermont there was only a 30% coverage. I was working on my deck and took the time to use two white paper plates with a hole punched in one and used the other one to see it. Not my first total eclipse, but it was fun watching it. Can’t wait for 2024 as we should get a much better view then.

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