My Blog

Houseplant: Acquired

Last week I decided I needed a houseplant. Maybe need is the wrong word to use here because my want is much stronger than my need. In that I mean, I do not need one to survive, but I want one to make me smile. 

I have three now, not just one. Let me explain.

Last summer Dawn took clippings from one of my plants and she now has pots overflowing with them. When I was leaving a couple weeks ago she asked if I would like to take a few clippings from her, so now the Purple Heart has made a full circle. I potted them in a small planter for now, but hope to have them in the yard next summer. It looks a bit rough right now, but once it is established it will flourish into a beautiful wandering plant. 

In my search for a houseplant I decided against the lucky bamboo. I mean, seriously, I have had two sets of them (3 stalks each) and both times they had an ill fated end. It was sad and disastrous. 

I chose to go with an ivy because let’s be real, you can’t kill those. I have nursed them back from one-leaf before so I think I am safe with an ivy. 

While looking for the perfect ivy, I found an elephant plant. That’s right, an ELEPHANT plant! It is found in the African bush and it is what the elephants dine on and it provides them with water and nutrients. Thus, an elephant plant. Needless to say, I now have one of those, however, in all of my excitement I failed to read the instructions. It requires a lot of sun light and warmth. Ack! That is not where I had planned to place it. No. I wanted it on a shelf that I will see each time I walk out of my cam room. But, alas, it does not do well in dark corners. 

Now, it sounds as though I am a killer of all plants, but I am not. It is rare that plants are doomed in my care, but there is something about houseplants that have a questionable fate, while in my home. I plan to still have all three of these in one year, plus a few more… so #newbeginnings don’t let me down! lol. 

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