My Blog

September is NOT Halloween

Alright, come on now! It is getting ridiculous how early stores are beginning to sell holiday items. It used to be just weeks before the day, but any more it is months ahead of time. Can we not just fucking enjoy today for what it is, and it is NOT a goddamn holiday! I mean, I am the first to admit that I am a fucking scrooge. In fact, I am worse than that because I do not understand the hoopla of these big holiday’s that were only made into a money-spending-craze by big corporate box stores. We, as a society, have fallen for their trap and it is not just their fault, but the consumers who continue to throw their money at cheesy gifts for the sake of showering each other with presents. I am not so anti-halloween, although, I have never been one to dress in costume and pretend to be a martian or a lollypop. With that said, I admire those who really get into the spirit and have fun. That is what it is all about and good on you! That holiday is not a money-sucking-soul-sucking day, so go out, get drunk, wear face paint and let your ass hang out. After Halloween is Thanksgiving, but that day is all but forgotten because of Christmas. What baffles me at this christian holiday is that those who really celebrate it have forgotten what their beliefs have lead them to believe. It was a day that Jesus, himself, was born, or so those who have written the bible and re-written the interpretations have told us. Regardless of your beliefs, it is absurd at the money spent on this day, instead of enjoying family and friends, and appreciating what we have. 

Believe what you will, hell, I want you to have whatever it is that gets you through your day, but let’s not forget why we celebrate the holiday’s. It is to remember those we love and to reconnect with the people we have lost touch with over the year. Or, at least, that is my opinion and I wish everyone would just fucking get with the program and stop this holiday-craze. Okay?

This is a tweet from Dawn Marie and I think it is fitting for this post:

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