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A Productive Saturday

It is Saturday and I am already awake, two beds stripped and the first load of laundry is in the wash now. I considered sleeping in this morning, and I probably would have except I slept hard all night. Once My head hit the pillow I did not open my eyes until 730 and I was wide awake and ready for my day. I might have stayed in bed for awhile but I finished Toy Blast last night and I want tater tots for lunch today. Both of which are reasons to get moving early and be productive. 

In away I am sad that I reached the end of TB, but on the other hand it is an accomplishment. I need to buy a new phone and send the one I am using back to Texas, but was hesitant in doing so because the game does not transfer over. Well, now that I am finished, I can get a new phone and either find a different game or start over from level 1 – I am not sure yet. 

So, tater tots and no Toy Blast. I am out of bed, doing laundry before 9am. It is a bright new world and it is amazing! 

Also, I cleaned the house yesterday so today is mine, mine, mine! 


    • lonestarangel

      You always have laundry done before 9a, it seems. lol. You wake up, eyes wide open, ready for the day. I wish I could do that more often… usually it takes me 30 minutes to wake up and then depending on what I need to do before cam, I am out of bed shortly there after, or I stay in bed another hour, there is no in between. lol

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