• cowboybubba

    I am thankful to have such great friends. Many of you I would go as far as calling family. Though we may have never met I appreciate every one of you for the fellowship and the laughter you bring into my life. Most of all I would like to thank Angel for being who she is and bringing us all together. Love you, Angel!!!

    • lonestarangel

      Awww *hugs*

      I was not looking to be thanked, but you are such a sweetheart to feel the way you do. I am lucky to have such an amazing community with a strong bond. It is beautiful what we have created through my site. Thank you!

  • Doug

    I’m thankful to have a small group of close friends who actually care about each other. I’m thankful for having parents who raised me (yes, I’m adopted) in a loving home until the day they passed. I’m thankful for living my dream of solitude within nature. Most of all, I’m thankful for having Angel as my guardian angel. Thank You Angel, you’ve rocked my world for 10 years and going strong.. Luv ya always!

  • Mollie

    MOM. For the last 10 years mom has spent every Thanksgiving here with us. She would come down to Houston the 2nd week in Nov. and stay till Dec, 1st at which time she would go to my brother’s for Christmas. Now she is staying here the whole year. And After having a stoke in May. I can’t think of anything I could be more thankful for than having her here with us.

  • Zany

    I am thankful for my family even if we are not close. I am thankful for my friends some who I do consider as family cause they keep me up and laughing even when things seem like they are just falling apart.

  • DawnMariesDream

    What am I thankful for?? First I am Thankful for my health. After nearly three years of some type of treatment I am currently treatment free and the only med I am on is Vit D, so that is a win. I am thankful for what I call my “Posse”. They are the ones that have had my back and supported me and always made time to check in on me and continue to do so!! I am Thankful for my family!! I am thankful they are all healthy and happy. I am Thankful to have the title Grandma and for the major blessing in my life this year which is my very happy and healthy Grandson. Thankful for the love and support of Rob, he has always been there for me and there have been a lot of times I have had to lean on him. I am Thankful for all the friends/family that I have met over the past 20 years I have been online. Lastly, I am Thankful that you Angel are finally realizing that you matter and you are finding your Happy Place! Like I have told you, everyone deserves to be happy and I couldn’t be more thrilled that you are finding that now!! I love you and I hope this Thanksgiving is the best of many, many more to come. And to anyone reading this, I’m thankful to you for supporting Angel!!!

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