My Blog

Stating the Obvious

I have decided to start “shedding” those who only take, and expect the world, leaving nothing in return. 

If you have a history of joining me on cam, never responding to my conversations, or giving gold, and it has been years (yes, years) of you coming in and out of my cam room often enough for me to know you are just in to get what you can for FREE, do not beg for a second chance. I give a lot more than most online ladies, and do not expect much in return, but when I am tired of your shenanigans, take it for what it is and be thankful that you had as much time as I gave you. Do not suddenly send me messages begging for a second chance. You had more than enough time to be better, you chose not to and it took me banning you from my FREE cam room for you to finally want to engage in conversation and join my site or give gold. TOO FUCKING LATE. 

It amazes me at the audacity of some. Seriously, I do not ask for much and for you to think you deserve a chance now that you no longer have access to the freebies is laughable. It never fails, when I ban your kind, I inevitably receive a message on Twitter or in an email asking for more. No. When I am done, I am done. 



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