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Share Your Traditions With Me

So, I would love to hear about your family traditions and memories, if you are willing to share them with me, and everyone else that might read this post. 

It can be one memory, or several throughout the years. I am curious as to what you remember most about Thanksgiving, and the holiday that follows. Albeit, Christmas, or in my case, the “happy holiday” season of greed. lol. Okay, okay, this thread will not jump into my ever-growing soap box. I promise! 

Believe it, or not, one of my most favorite holiday memories was Dad driving us to the next town over to see the lights. It started off with just the courthouse being strung in strands of lights, which would light up the entire block. It was such a massive light show that I could just sit and stare at it, feeling the holiday cheer. That started over 30 years ago and now it has gotten to be such a big production of lights that people from all over drive in for the weekend, bringing family and friends from all over. It truly is an incredible sight. 

Now it is your turn. 


  • Mollie Thanksgiving has always been a family day for us, After my Dad past in2006. Mom has come down every year and spent the day with us. With mom’s birthday on Nov. 24 my sister’s is on Nov 26 then we had mom and dads anniversary on Nov 28( married on Thanksgiving day 1963) as a kid our biggest tradition was to put up the Christmas tree after we ate, then cut the pie or birthday cake tonight we will relive some of that.

    • lonestarangel

      What a beautiful reason to always celebrate the Thanksgiving season; thank you for sharing your story with us! I am happy to hear that your mom has settled into her new surroundings and that your family is full of love.

      Do you continue the tradition of putting the tree up after you eat on Thanksgiving?

  • cowboybubba

    The tradition, in German families, was to open presents on Christmas Eve. When I was a kid the family gathered on Christmas Eve and went to see the decorated houses in town. We would stop for an ice cream or something while we were out. By the time we got home Santa had stopped off and delivered our gifts. My oldest brother always had to work so he never could go with us. When we grew up and my older sister had her daughter We kept the tradition going. I was always the one who had to work. After I moved out of Mom’s house I continued the tradition. I even had a Santa suit to wear as the presents were delivered and placed under the tree. I just wish I had children and grandchildren to pass the tradition along.
    My oldest brothers daughter has a different tradition she got from her mother and step father. They open one present on Christmas Eve and have to wait for Santa to deliver their presents after they are asleep.

    • lonestarangel

      What beautiful memories! It sounds like the tradition has been passed on to the next generation, although, slightly revised.

      Thank you for sharing with us.

  • hmfast

    We don’t have too many specific traditions…Thanksgiving is probably one of the few times my family eats at the same table. For christmas, me and my sister were allowed a little bit of alchohol in our eggnog…that’s all that really comes to mind

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