My Blog

The Grinch

It is common knowledge that I completely abhor the holiday’s. It is something that has always been a natural hate for me; one I did not have to work at. It was not until recent years that I have realized I could seriously do without the month of December. 

You might say I am Ebenezer Scrooge, or the Grinch (except I do not steal presents). It is not that I hate the jolly old fat man, or the cheerfulness that the holiday’s give some people. It is that people put too much stress on themselves and have an image of what the holiday should be. 

Maybe I am alone in this, but I think it should be a time of appreciation and reconnecting with those you have lost touch with over the year. I love Thanksgiving because that is usually the one day that people make time for each other and there is no expectation of more. If only December could be like that, then it would be fun. I am not one to rush out and fight the masses, or even go all out in giving everyone I know a gift of some kind, but too many people who “love” Christmas are depressing to talk to during the holiday’s.  Good lord, no wonder people go into debt at the end of the year. 

If you are wondering, I was not a big fan of Christmas, even as a kid. I remember looking forward to helping Mom with the tree and then by the time I was 13, I was doing it by myself. It kind of took the fun out of it, but she wanted it up and so did my twin. Dad, however, could have done without but always went along to make the rest of us happy.. until he did not. I might be a little more like him in that regard. 

At any rate, I have a tree this year. Happy fucking holiday’s! No, it is not a Charlie Brown Christmas tree, although, I was tempted to pick the smallest twig in the forest of pine trees, I did not. 

Are you a Grinch, or more like a Merrymaker? You know, someone who LOVES the holiday’s.


  • Mollie

    Hi angel . I can understand your feeling on Christmas, I dose seem to be more about the WHATs in you life than the WHO. over the last 25 year I have worked at jobs that where all about the “what” from Baker’s shoes , FedEx to USPS. It has always over burden me and made Grinch and Scrooge. We can’t always help who we become when pressures of the season bear down on us,
    Angel why I am not much of a lover of Christmas movies, I find them to be corny and the girls always find love with the fat guy’s son(Oh my He’s really santa) But I love “A Christmas Carol” Scrooge is all of us A product of our life and the people who have been a part of it. some good and bad.
    Some time we can let the shadows of what was, shad the light of what could be. When we become comfortable in doing that it can make it easy to have low expectation of thing to come.

    I not going to tell you that right now here today I’m not in the same funk. Mainly because you know that I am. So to help me, I keep this in mind, When it come to Scrooge and Grinch in the last part of both stories . They both see that, the shadow of what could be, and what have been. dose not chart to couse to what will be for you. Only you can do that,

    This has been a Year of Newbegaings for you and Christmas is just the next step in the journey. So hears my advice . You have surrounded you self with a good crew of loving friend. so cast your sail to the wind and chart your couse to what you what this Christmas to be. I’m sure you will find a big smile under that tree this year.

    • lonestarangel

      Molly, you are always full of surprises and great advise! You are absolutely right in that we are a product of our life experiences, but it says a lot about who we are as to how we react and grow. Yes, this has been a year of #newbeginnings and it has been beautiful and everything that I needed it to be, and more.

      I have to admit, I am not much of a grinch this year. It is amazing what a positive change can do for the spirit and how doing what is best for you can expand your outlook on everything.

      Thank you for your thoughtful post.

  • bobra40

    I’m definitely Ebenezer Scrooge these days. I used to make a big thing about Christmas as Mum and Dad looked forward to enjoying it and Boxing Day as it was their wedding anniversary so it was left overs day. These days it’s way too commercialized for my liking and the amount of dept some families get into is scary sad.

    • lonestarangel

      Yes!! I agree, it has become too commercialized and full of greed. But, if you think about it, the consumer is to blame just as much as the corporations.

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