My Blog

What Smell Makes You Think of The Holidays/Memories

I know, for someone that hates this time of year, my blog has been encased by fucking cheer! Well, not so much cheer, as discussion. 

Each memory has a scent that always takes us aback, and I would love to hear what smell makes you think of the holiday’s?

For me it is cinnamon. I have to hand it to commercial businesses because almost every store you walk into, starting in the fall, has a bundle of pine cones that are dipped in cinnamon. I won’t buy a bag of them until after Thanksgiving, that is my rule, but then the house smells of Christmas for weeks, and that does make me smile. You see, I am not all grinch. You just have to really look for the cheer sometimes. lol. 


  • bobra40

    Smoking various meats in prep for Christmas as here it’s a BBQ, cold meats and salads as it can be anywhere from 90-105f. My favorite smell and best memory is when I have reheat my homemade steamed pudding and seeing Dads eyes light up as I place the 10 cup pudding it in front of him.

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