My Blog

Online For the Holiday Weekend

G’afternoon and happy holiday’s! It has taken me awhile to decide whether or not I will be online this weekend and through Monday. Not because I do not want to be, but with it being the holiday’s, I am just unsure who will be online. However, there are a few of you that I know are spending the day in solitude, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but I would like to be on for anyone that might want the company. 

Saturday night – after dinner. I am shooting for midnight EST. I am having a late dinner, around 11 EST, so trying to get on before that will be hard. 

Sunday – I will be on in the morning, throughout the afternoon and then back after dinner. I will probably take a longer dinner break than usual, but will still be available for most of the day/night.

Monday – I will be online for at least 2 hours, starting at 1p EST 

It is easier to follow my tweets, if you would like to know when I am on cam. You can either do that by tuning into my blog page, because the tweets post in real time on the right side bar. If you are on Twitter, my handle is @NakedTXAngel

I look forward to seeing you fella’s and ladies online, if you so desire. Happy holiday’s! 

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