My Blog

Well, Today Happened.

I slept until 730ish, having slept through three alarms and 2 snoozes, which is not bad for a Saturday morning. I know what you are thinking, why didn’t I sleep in? Well, that is an easy question to answer. I had a lot on my list and I really wanted a relaxing afternoon. The only way to ensure that was to get up and get started early. The earlier the better. I think I am more like my dad each day, except I do require sleep, he was always productive early in the day, usually starting around 4 or 5a, and going until everything was completed. He averaged 2-4 hours a night, sometimes 8 if he was lucky, but rarely. That is definitely not me. I have to have sleep, it is for everyone’s health and safety that I do, so let’s move on…

I had laundry going and the house cleaned by 11a, which was perfect because I really wanted to get to the store by noon. However, I had shirts in the dryer that needed to be hung as soon as they were finished, so I decided to deal with my “router issue” while I was idle… 

For those of you that do not know (and probably don’t care) my internet was down when I returned from Mexico, and it did not start working until I turned the router off for awhile. After that it worked, but the speeds are unstable and all over the place. It was not causing a noticeable amount of trouble on cam, but my traffic was spotty all last week. So, Monday I called my ISP provider and after an hour on the phone, running remote tests and asking me to bypass the router, I was told that everything looks good on their end, but it appears the lag is due to the router. Since it is a TP_Link router, and not one of their refurbished boxes of crap, it was suggested I contact TP_Link….

So, I did, and even though my firmware is up to date, Jerry suggested that I update it anyway but it would be a process and promptly sent 3 links for me to read up on and follow the tech version of steps. What about me sounds like I am a techie? NOTHING!…

I decided since I was not completely down, that I should wait until Saturday to fuck with that bullshit, and it is good that I did because it fucking jacked up the rest of my day! The day that was planned perfectly, was no longer perfect. Here is where I should inform you that it might by hmfast that jinxed me. In fact, I am fairly certain that it was. “@netherchorus don’t jinx it :-p” …

At any rate, I spent almost 2 hours on with tech support, after changing channels, width, wireless, wired, bypassing the router, blah blah blah, it was suggested that I contact the ISP because their router is working just fine. 

I did not get to the store until 3p, getting back home around 415 and the relaxing that I had so hoped for has diminished into thin air. It could be said that I still have time to relax, and that is true, but I wanted so much to have the entire afternoon and well into the evening. This is me not complaining though. Next Saturday I plan to relax, relax, relax! 




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