My Blog

No Politics

I have an unspoken rule, but a well known one at that, which is my cam room, tweets and blog is no place for politics. I understand, and respect, that we all have a right to free speech and opinions, but important issues are not resolved on social media and in cam rooms. We as a whole are so divided that it is disheartening and there is no real solution, nor will we see one any time soon. Those who spin conversations into political arguments are hurting themselves and changing nothing. 

I am not writing this to call anyone out, but I have had several replies to my tweets about our current politics that do not belong on my TL. I am sorry, but my disdain for the treatment of elephants in other countries, such as being forced into submission for tourism, has nothing to do with the current state of the US of A and the hate being spewed from all sides of the aisle. Now, with that said, we as a whole can change how elephants are treated, but that is not in the here and now of what is going on in our country. 

I have a diverse group with a wide range of opinions and experiences, and for the most part, we all get along regardless of whether or not we agree with each other. And, for that I am appreciative. 

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