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Pfft! Adulting. Ack! 

I think being an adult comes with great advantages, and have never been one of those to wish time could be reversed as to give me a do-over. Nope. I much prefer life as an adult, I have to be honest, but goddamn it, some days I want to not adult. I was looking for health insurance Saturday night, and found a site with several options. When I woke up Sunday morning I had an email from a gentleman, wanting to discuss options. So, back and forth we go, exchanging emails and then he needs to discuss it further over the phone. WHAAAA? Because I need to just get it over with, I call him, with the understanding I have 10 minutes and that is it. After a few minutes on the phone, he suggests one policy that I feel is way out of my needed terms necessary, but of course he gives the speil that heart attacks are the number one cause of medical bankruptcy, blah blah blah. He is an insurance agent, need I say more? So, I ask him to send me the original quote information, along with something comparable that would be more reasonably priced. I made the mistake of giving him a number and after we hung up he managed to find one under $2.00 of what I suggested, and within 5 minutes. SMH. 

So, now he wants to call me tomorrow morning so we can go over the policy and he can do a health screen of my medical history and all that bullshit. Blech! Do I have to? On one hand I think paying the penalty would be okay for this year, with everything else going on, but on the other hand I don’t want to be without insurance if my brain explodes one day with an aneurysm.

Fucking adulting. It is the pits today! 

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