My Blog

Not This Week!

This next week is going to be one of chaos and scattered days on cam. Well, not so much scattered as in the beginning and end, with no in between.

Sunday I will be on during the morning, for a short period of time (2 hours), and then I have an obligation in the afternoon, but will be back online around dinner time.

Friday I will be online all day, with NO INTERRUPTIONS. Or, should I say, none that I am aware of right now.

Unfortunately, Mon-Thurs I will be traveling and out of touch, besides the random tweet. If you email me, please be patient.

Now, for the Member’s shows. I will not be doing any shows next week and if you are new to my site, this is extremely rare, but I will make it up to you the following week. I will post a show schedule once we get closer and will Tweet reminders. Again, it is rare for me to not maintain a weekly show schedule so please know that you will still receive the promised shows within your membership.

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