My Blog

Memorial Day

What today means to me:

Memorial Day isn’t the day that starts summer, nor is it the day that gives me an excuse to head to the lake to drink like a fool. Memorial Day is the one day that we, as a country, actually stop to think about our freedom. It’s the one day that, as a whole, we appreciate those who gave their lives and sacrificed their futures so that we could have one. Many never made it home while others did, but let us not forget what they ultimately gave. Their lives. I’m thankful for all soldiers, nurses, families and lives from past and present wars and those who pick up the pieces on the home front while their soldier is away fighting for all of us. So, thank you for my freedom and the right to live my life as I do.

Last week I tweeted that I believe some people have no idea what today stands for, and someone suggested it was the youth gone wrong. In my response to him I said I think it is possibly the root of older generations. Later that day it was pointed out that the older generations who experienced war and loss at such great numbers took this weekend for an actual break, and to forget. They did the long weekend BBQ’s, reunited with friends and had a party on the lake. It was their way to forget, even if for just a weekend. He was right and that is something I had not really considered until then. So, thank you for offering up a difference of opinion and bringing it into a respectful conversation. No judgement, no condescending tones, just a different view on something that I tweeted. Thank you. 

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