My Blog

Hello June!

Wow! We are halfway through 2018 and it has been an amazing roller coaster of a year so far. From moving, several times, to experiencing my first winter in the high desert, to back and forth trips to Texas, it has been chaotic at times, but also refreshing. 

My first winter was mild, and perfect for me. It snowed, but did not get below zero except for a few hours here and there, and not for days on end. The snowfall was not at all what is needed for this area, but the spring has been unusually wet with decent rain storms. I love rain and that is something that I will miss- a good Texas thunderstorm. 

I think that spring has arrived here, but to be honest, I am not sure. It still gets cold at night and the days are either chilly or slightly warm. Now, if you were to ask a native, they will tell you that it is blazing hot with torrential rains that needs to stop. LOL. A new perspective. I enjoy being the non-native resident.

The trips back and forth to Texas were short but exhausting. There may be a chance I have to go back sometime this month, but it is up in the air at this time. With any luck, that will be the end of the divorce and I can return for girlfriend’s weekends and to make new memories. Life. It is good, but a drag at times. Adulting. It is necessary, but stressful from time to time. New Beginnings. It provides change, new experiences and a good reason to live. Adulting gives way to new beginnings and provides a happy life. 

Last June I was on my way to Arizona for the summer. It was an amazing couple of months that gave me a chance to unwind and evaluate what I want, and what I need. Dawn and Rob opened their home to me, and gave me a place to call home without feeling I was a burden. We were roommates. lol. As I reflect back to that, I am forever grateful and indebted to their friendship. 

And, now we are halfway through 2018 and the future is something to look forward to.

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