My Blog

It Is Not What It Appears . . .

I have always had a healthy appetite. I love food. My parents had a hard time in that I was always hungry, but we were not a house full of snacks. At dinner time I was usually already sitting in my spot before Dad even showed up. I was ready to eat but we never made a plate until Dad had his. It was just the way it was and we also never had a choice in what was going to be for dinner. Mom cooked for Dad and we ate whatever was on the table. 

Dad had a serious sweet tooth. He loved his sweets and boy would he relish in every bite. Donuts were his ultimate weakness, but he could also make due with sugar and cinnamon toast. I have never shared that love, but I do understand enjoying sweets when they are in front of me, which brings me to the reason for this post. If it is in my refrigerator, I am going to have to eat it. Well, actually that is not true. If it is german chocolate cake or carrot cake, I am going to have to devour it. Not a bite will go to waste. Any other sweet, even cake, will probably be thrown out after a couple bites. 

Baklava, well that is a given. I will eat every single triangle in a 40 piece dish. So, there is no need to really say much on that..

Are you wondering what is in my fridge this afternoon? Let me give you one hint: the other half of the carrot cake that I feasted on last night for the #VNALive show. I really want to eat it, so I had a banana and a handful of carrots. No, neither gave me the same satisfaction except that the half piece is still unscathed and sitting on the top shelf. 



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