My Blog

It Is a New Weekend

So last weekend I was indecisive as to what I would do and this Saturday is no different. I do not know where this wishy-washiness is coming from but it needs to stop ASAP! It is driving me crazy! Not mentally crazy to the point of being unstable, but it sure the fuck is annoying me. 

Since I was sick Wednesday, I did not get into town to do my nails, nor did I peruse the antique shops as planned. I don’t think I want to get my nails done on a Saturday because they will be swamped and full of chaos, however, I have a list of stuff I want to look for at the local shops and Saturday would be a good a day as any to go window shopping until I find the perfect night stand, or lamp, or butter dish. The lamp I don’t necessarily want it to be antique, but it would be nice to be unique. Unique as in unusual and not in every model home across the world. Not that there is a problem with that, but I want something that cannot be found on Amazon. I am not sure why since I hate shopping and in order to find a unique lamp I have to actually go into stores and look around. Granted, I am not going to a big department store, it is just an antique shop with a lot of neat crap. Okay, so enough about the lamp I hope to find, on with the rest of what I may or may not be doing. The grocery store, that is a definite, so no need to discuss that. I also need to send Rob more flash drives with new videos, but that will take a good chunk of the afternoon, possibly more. So, what to do? 

Maybe I will get up early, shower and head to town so that I can hit up the antique shops, then the grocery store and home by early afternoon so that I can get a package together to send to Rob. 

Now that I have filled your head with my indecisiveness, what are your weekend plans?

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