My Blog

What a Saturday!

Yesterday was busy from the time I opened my eyes until I slipped back into bed last night around 1030. 

I started off at the nail salon, which only took an hour since I was waiting for them to unlock the doors. lol. I decided to go with sparkles this time. I wasn’t sure that I would like it, but I have been trying new colors so that I am not always boring. I mean, a different shade of pink each week is exciting for me, but not necessarily for you guys. This week it is – Angel Pink; so pink, but very fucking sparkly and all kinds of happy, even when I am sleeping! lol. Have I mentioned people share way too much at the salon? I don’t want to know why you have 3 kids and you are only 24, hoping to find someone to marry soon. I mean, I don’t judge but if I have to listen to your “story”, I am certainly going to make assumptions that I am sure everyone else that is listening has already made. lol. 

After I left the salon I stopped by to see MtnMan and had the pleasure of meeting one of his long time friends, who was more than happy to chat for an hour. I enjoyed the conversation (and it helped that he is old and full of intriguing stories). And, because we spent an hour talking, I was still hanging around when it was time for lunch, so MtnMan treated me to tator tots and a hamburger. (See picture below)

From lunch I went to the grocery store and was that a cluster fuck. It wouldn’t have been so bad had they not been doing a cookout in the parking lot, with only three checkout lanes open, one being express. But, such as it is. That kind of cluster fuck beats the Texas HEB when they were slow any day. Not to mention it takes a lot to put me in a mood these days. It didn’t even matter that I was hoping to get started on the dresser by 2p. 

When I finally made it home at 2, I unloaded the groceries and got dinner started in the crockpot. It was a new recipe and it turned out amazing! 

Once dinner was in the crockpot I started day 2 of the dresser project. I finished stripping the paint on the drawers and the rest of the cabinet. I got most of the paint off and then got to sanding it so there will be a clean, smooth surface for the white paint. (See picture below)

I had planned to give it one coat of paint before calling it a day, but MtnMan sent a text and asked if I wanted him to help with the dresser or if I might like to go fishing after he got off of work. Pfft. There was no thought in that decision. I cleaned up the stripper messes and wiped down the cabinet and was dressed and ready to go fishing when he walked in the door. 

By the time we got to the fishing hole there was only an hour left of daylight, but that gave us plenty of time to catch and release 9 bass. It was a beautiful hour. (see picture below)

Then it was home for dinner and then straight to bed. I was exhausted! 

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