My Blog

Second Week into September

Wow, it seems like we were just starting August, and here we are on the second week of September. I’ve had a lot of changes over the last couple of years, and it seems that there are more in the near future. All good things, though, I assure you of that!

Before I share my big news with you, let me give a big thank you to those of you that have stood by me. Most of you were happy for me when I made a big change, and you patiently stood by me without demanding answers that were not yours to have. Nothing changed with my site, with the exception of going 100% solo, but my cam schedule was sporadic through last summer and most of you checked on me throughout the days/weeks and were always quick to give a kind word. We did lose a couple along the way. Those who felt entitled to my decisions and felt they had been wronged in some, weird and twisted way. For me, it was a relief to see have those people walk away from me. To those who are still part of my life, thank you. You guys mean more to me than you might realize. 

Now, on to my news. We are getting a dog and she will be picked up on Saturday. A beautiful golden retriever and she is going to be so sweet and loving. I cannot wait to share her with you all, on Twitter and VNA. lol. I might even have to open an instagram just for her.. or a Twitter account. I cannot decide which, to be honest. Either way, she will definitely be a star! 

And, I am going to be making changes to my Snapchat account soon, in that I will be giving it out for FREE, but in order to see the boy/girl vids and pics, along with full on nudity, you will have to join my premium snapchat. I am still working out the details on that. 

Also, I am thinking about doing a raffle through the holiday’s for baked goodies and a few other items. I am still working out the details on that, so stay tuned. Obviously, there will be a newsletter sent out regarding both the baked goods raffle and snapchat, when I am ready to offer both. 

The Hot August Nights Special and the Burning Man Sale was a huge success, so thank you to all of the new joins. I hope that you are enjoying my site and that you will continue to come back for more. 

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