My Blog

Do You Have a Favorite Holiday?

It is no secret that my favorite day of the year happens to be a holiday, and it falls during my favorite month, November. I have always loved Thanksgiving, even as a child. It holds sweet memories for me and I cherish those, even decades later. It is the one day when people slow down and enjoy the company of others. It does not matter if it is friends, strangers or family. This is a day when people realize what they have to be thankful for and are generous with their time, in helping others and sharing love. It is a time when people are not in stores spending money, or rushing through their day to get to their next obligation. It is a day that people come together to reconnect, to share their news over the last year and to enjoy telling old stories. Young and old, this is a day that people enjoy each other over food and laughter. Hopefully laughter. 

My favorite day is Thanksgiving. What is yours?

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