My Blog

Falling Short . . .

Good lord! I have a file on my hard drive that is labeled “gifts”. It is full of pictures of thoughtful gifts that have been sent to me, and once I post a “thank you” thread, I delete the picture. That is how I never forget to show my gratitude in a blog post. That is after I have sent a personal note to the gifter; it is just one extra step that I take to show how much I truly appreciate the thoughtfulness you all show me on a daily basis. Much like my oversight on birthday’s for the last year, the gift posts have also gone by the wayside. The file box is full of pictures that never made it to my blog. That is, never made it to the blog in an acceptable time. So, over the next week I will be posting long over due thanks, and it might seem ridiculous, but it really is not. I still feel that it is due, and I cannot just delete each note because I carelessly took too long to recognize it… so… that is that. 

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