My Blog

Lone Star Angel's Blog Postings

  • My Blog

    Starting July with an Important Birthday!

    What a great day for a birthday! Not only is it “your” anniversary, but it is the first day of a new month! That was fantastic planning. I’ve been a big fan of this one, for many years, and today is a good day for a good day! Please join me in wishing MtnMan a happy anniversary of his birthday. He is a cranky curmudgeon, but he’s a good one. One certainly worthy of recognizing and celebrating, even if he is rolling his eyes, as he reads this. To my MtnMan: You are the reason to celebrate today, and every day, so although you think it’s just another day, I…

  • My Blog

    My Favorite Month of Celebrations!

    Today we say goodbye to June and tomorrow we welcome in July with four weeks of birthdays and good vibes! July has, for a long time, been my favorite month of anniversaries to enjoy and all the reasons to celebrate! Some, have reluctantly given me “their days”, while others gladly handed them over. Thank you one and all; I love everyone else’s birthday! We have MtnMan, the House Boss (who in her own right is famous), Rodney, Abby (dubbed our favorite Golden), HmFast, Earnie, and closing out the month is Kevin (Kevin! KEVIN! K E V I N!). It’s a full month of happy times with another trip around the…

  • My Blog

    My “Workout” Routine

    You might be wondering why I’ve used quotations around workout, and I’ll get to that, but first let me just say, working out has never been in my routine. I played softball in school and was on the traveling all-stars, and went to state. Even then, working out was not in my routine. To workout was the same as being punished, so as an adult, I have forever chosen not to punish myself. Until recently. I’ve noticed that I’m losing muscle mass and feeling stiffer in the mornings. Hell, I am stiff even after hours spent on cam each day. My “Workout” Journey: Six months ago: I decided I should…

  • My Blog

    Memorial Day

    What today means to me: Memorial Day isn’t the day that starts summer, nor is it the day that gives me an excuse to head to the lake to drink like a fool. Memorial Day is the one day that we, as a country, actually stop to think about our freedom. It’s the one day that, as a whole, we appreciate those who gave their lives and sacrificed their futures so that we could have one. Many never made it home while others did, but let us not forget what they ultimately gave. Their lives. I’m thankful for all soldiers, nurses, families and lives from past and present wars and…

  • My Blog

    Poll Results

    A couple months ago I added a couple new options to my site, one being a weekly Poll and had 15 votes come in. With it being new, I appreciate that there were that many, so thank you! Before I give you the results, allow me to acknowledge the fact that I have already failed on maintaining the poll for reasons no other than I simply forgot. Insert *face palm* I will correct that today, so if you’re reading this, and you are a member of my site, please go to the club area and place your votes! What would you like to see more of? Boy-Girl —> 5 votes…

  • My Blog

    Abby the Golden, Growing Up.

    Abby has always run to the mud puddles, diving in head first into creeks and ponds, living her best life possible! When it is snowing, she’s outside enjoying a tumble, a dive and a backstroke over and through drifts. It’s a sight to witness, because there is nothing like her living her best life possible. Rainstorms never bother her. NOPE. She’ll sit in the middle of her yard, face upwards towards the sky, rain drenching her golden locks, while she lives her best life possible. She’s a mess to clean up, but we’ve created a good routine when she comes in, she stops inside the door so that I can…

  • My Blog

    Happy. Delightful. Peaceful. Pleasant.

    Experiencing the sunrise, and enjoying a sudden rainstorm before having lunch with one of your favorite people. Happy is appreciating the life you’ve made for yourself. Watching the waves come in off the ocean, crashing against the shoreline and listening to the birds chirping in delight. Saying goodnight to another day well spent; crawling into a bed with clean sheets and feeling the peacefulness of sleep. Waking up to a happy golden, who is delighted to grunt and snort her good mornings, before going outside is a pleasant start to another day. There is a lot of happy in the world, and it’s the simple things that remind me of…

  • My Blog

    I am a Derp

    I had to look that word up, just to make sure I was using it in the correct context. I am. Allow me to elaborate on that- I am a derp AND I am using it in the correct context. Also, allow me to explain that. About 3 weeks ago I received two packages and flowers for my birthday, all of which were thoughtful and made me smile. I typed up a blog post to say my “thank you” and didn’t hit the publish button. I have been wondering why no one commented or mentioned it, but then again, sometimes the posts go unnoticed. Here I am, with a few…

  • My Blog

    A Reminder, and a Hello.

    Happy Monday and a hello to you from the Salt Flats. It’s an early start to what is going to be a very long day, as we set off to our next great adventure. MtnMan is driving and instead of taking a nap, which is what I usually do across the flats, I decided to blog. So here I am. I hope you’ve had a great start to your week and that it’s a successful one, no matter what it is you choose to do. I will be out of town until next Monday, getting home mid afternoon and in time for the VNA hour (May 22). Today, however, I…

  • My Blog

    My Anti-Bucket List

    It seems popular to have a bucket list. Do you have one? I don’t. I figure that if I get around to it, then I’ll do it, but I don’t much care for creating a list of hopes. Not that I feel there is anything wrong with that. It’s just never been something that I thought I needed a list for. And, that is shocking. I love lists! But yeah, I don’t have a bucket list. While I’ve been trying to think of something clever to blog about, I thought maybe an anti-bucket list would be more fun, so here it is. Airplane Jumping: NOPE. I admire those that have…