• My Blog

    Florida Friend’s

    When I left Texas, I left a lot behind. Some intentional, some not so much. But, a change was needed and the start of my new beginnings was full of chaos and uncertainty as to where I was heading. Long story, but it was all good change. Last year, around this time, I received a text that simply said, “Hi. This is Kristine” We were at dinner with friends and I had left my phone in the car; I didn’t see the message until 8p my time, which was 11p Florida time. To say I was over the moon excited doesn’t even cover the emotions I had that night. Kristine…

  • My Blog

    A Busy Month Ahead

    It seems like our November-January was quiet and spent at home, but that’s coming to an end this next week. I’ll be on cam tonight (Saturday) and on for my usual shifts Monday and Tuesday. Off the rest of the week for a business trip with MtnMan. We return home Monday evening (the 6th), just in time for the VNA hour. When I say just in time, I mean 30 minutes prior, as long as there are no delays. With that said, there is a very small chance that I will have to do a last minute reschedule but I promise to make it up to you! We are home…